
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Ginkgo trees

Ginkgo trees

What's not to like about the sound of ginkgo leaves with wind blowing through them? I also enjoy their shape and how that adds to the look of the trees.

My parents have had a couple ginkgo trees in their front yard for almost 30 years, and while one of them has since been torn down, the other is huge. This is the time of year when they've dropped their leaves. Who can pass up a pile of them?

Ginkgo leaves.

Ginkgo leaves.

Kellen and Tynor tossing ginkgo leaves with their cousins. 1999.

Kellen and Tynor tossing ginkgo leaves with their cousins. 1999.

New Year's 2014

New Year's 2014

Southwest Washington, 4-Oct-2013

Southwest Washington, 4-Oct-2013