Kiyo status

Thought it would be a good time to summarize where things are with my mom and hopefully fill in any gaps.

In February 2008 Kiyo was discovered to have a tumor on her bladder and was scheduled for outpatient surgery on 15-Feb. The tumor was removed and due to its size, the surgeon was pretty sure it was malignant.

Mom got referrals and underwent several tests, the end result being she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She had extensive surgery on 9-May at the USC Norris Cancer Center and remained in the hospital for a couple weeks. In mid-June she was discovered to be anemic, so she got an iron infusion. The next week she started her first of a dozen rounds of chemotherapy. Her recovery went well enough that she was able to participate in her 50th Anniversary celebration at the end of June.

On 17-Sep Kiyo checked into St. Mary's in Long Beach (across the street from her oncologist and not far from Lyon Supply) because she was dehydrated and weak. The original plan was for her to be in for one week but she stayed two extra weeks so she could have access to physical therapy 3 or 4 times daily. Her strength improved during this time.

In the meantime Mom's oncologist changed chemo medications and that along with some diet changes helped her with some digestive tract problems she was having. Her energy continued to increase and she also started eating more.

Mom's been continuing physical therapy a few times a week and her goal is to be able to travel to San Antonio in mid-November for a business trip. Yes, was an ambitious schedule, but she was convinced that she'll be fine and that the others around her will be able to help. As I write this, she's there and things have been going well for the most part. She's been taking breaks when needed, and everyone around her has been extremely helpful. She said she did trip on some stairs during a tour, but she's fine. The flight over was uneventful, even though it involved a transfer.

Throughout the year my dad's been very supportive. Whether it be driving her to appointments, doing laundry, or helping her move around, it's been a lot of work for him, but he keeps on going. And through it all, he continues to do framing, gardening, and baking. I often feel downright lazy looking at all he does!