Project 365 - A photo a day

Kellen decided he wanted to document his 20th year by doing a Project 365, where he will take one picture each day and post all of them online. I asked what he thought about Tynor and me doing it along with him, and he said it would be great. So we can look at all of our pictures side-by-side, I've also set up a Fujimoto Project 365 page, optimistically labeling it as 2009-2010; I figured we may do it again sometime in the future.

I'm not sure how often I'll update the page (organized by week into separate pages), but will try to get as close to daily as I can. Tynor is off camping through next weekend, so I don't expect to be able to post pictures from him until after he's back.

One thing I wanted to do is to post the pictures so they appear as they did coming out of the camera (other than resizing and sharpening so they look as good at that size as they do full-sized). Kellen's onboard with that, and since Tynor hasn't done photo post-processing in the past, I'm guessing he'll be OK with that too - we can always change later on.  It's easier to change towards doing post-processing, but once you've done it, you can't take it back.

The reason for having the pictures be straight from the camera is to help improve one's photographer's eye. It's helpful to learn the skill of seeing things as they happen, rather than snapping something with the hope that you'll have something usable that you can fix later. Personally, I'm also hoping to get back to the point where I was when shooting slide film, when I could better visualize what I wanted and how to get it. I've slowly been regaining that skill over the years, but I also end up doing quite a bit of Photoshop work (which in truth I also enjoy).

We started taking our pictures last Friday (July 3) on Kellen's birthday. I find myself coming up with lots of things I want to photograph, but not wanting to "waste" photo ideas when I can use them another day. Perhaps what I'll end up doing is if there are shots which I took thinking they would be my pictures for that day only to end up being superseded by another photo, I'll post those on a "deep cuts" part of the page. I'll try to not too many photos there, since the idea of Project 365 is to limit yourself to one daily picture.