We spent a few nights in Mt. Rainier National Park with a hiking group. We did some snowshoeing and even got lucky on one day to get a great view of Mt. Rainier.
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All in Hiking
We spent a few nights in Mt. Rainier National Park with a hiking group. We did some snowshoeing and even got lucky on one day to get a great view of Mt. Rainier.
Melody’s sister Celeste made her almost annual trip here from New York, and one of the things we always do is a road trip to visit their family. This trip was no exception.
For our last full day in Chéticamp and the last non-travel day of our trip, we did one more hike and watched the sunset from our room.
It was back to Cape Breton Highlands National Park to do a hike and stroll around a bog (which is actually a fen).
We drove a sizable segment of the Cabot Trail. Along the way, we did a few hikes, including one that gave us a great view of fog and another where we got very wet.
For our first full day on Prince Edward Island, we again went east to see the Greenwich Dunes in Prince Edward Island National Park. After a relaxing afternoon, we went to a lobster dinner in New Glasgow.
This was mostly a driving day as we left New Brunswick and arrived on Prince Edward Island. We went to the southeast to Basin Head Beach, then to the far east to see the East Point Lighthouse.
For our only full day in St. Martins, we went to Fundy National Park to do a couple of waterfall hikes and walked around a pond. Later, we drove through a pair of covered bridges in St. Martins.
For our last full day in Annapolis Royal, we drove over to Cape Split Provincial Park to hike out to Cape Split. While the other hikes we've done on this trip have been short, this one was what would be a normal full-day hike for us.
We took it easy on our first full day in Annapolis Royal. We wandered around Fort Anne, went on a hike to a spectacular waterfall, and relaxed for the rest of the day.
While practically all of the hiking trails in Nova Scotia were closed due to fires when we first arrived, the rain greatly helped the firefighting efforts, and the trails we were looking at were re-opened. Taking advantage of the situation, we did a couple of short hikes in Kejimkujik National Park on our way to spending the night in Annapolis Royal.
Our spring and summer hiking went in spurts, then we did several during a week-long road trip. We even made it to Idaho for the last hike.
Melody’s sister Celeste was in town for about a week, and we took the opportunity to do a bit of travel. It was a whirlwind week, and we got a lot done. We started with a couple of nights in Packwood, WA so we could hike in Mt. Rainier National Park, then went to Yakima to visit Melody and Celeste’s mom, then to Spokane to visit their uncle.
This installment covers hikes from the past several months. We were in Arizona for a week in November and did a couple of hikes in Saguaro National Forest. In late January/early February, we went on a short road trip to the Leavenworth area and did some snowshoeing. The last couple of snowshoe hikes were in the Seattle area.
Autumn marks the end of the hiking season in the Pacific Northwest. We ended getting only a handful of hikes over the past several months, but Melody did hike several times with a weekly group.
Most of our hikes in May were during our trip through the Columbia River Gorge, but we did sneak a hike early in the month to Wallace Falls. We intended for that early hike to get us used to elevation gain (knowing we would have 2,500+ ft gain hikes), but it also ended up being very long. And the last hike was snuck in before several busy upcoming weeks.
After a couple more outings on snowshoes (one at Blewett Pass and one at Stevens Pass), we went up north towards Bellingham for the first hike of the season.
We were able to fit in one more hike in November 2020, then switched to snowshoeing starting in January. In addition to a couple of outings in the Snoqualmie Pass area, we also spent a couple of nights in the Lake Wenatchee area and got in some great snowshoe hikes there.
We did a lot of hiking in September and October, with all but Snow Lake on a trip we took to the Mt. Baker area and Leavenworth. I only tracked the larger hikes, which is why there isn't distance/gain data or graphs for the short ones.
We took a few hikes in July and August, with a couple along Highway 2 and another near Mt. Rainier. They were each more challenging than the first two hikes of the season.